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HomeEventsSki ABR and Wolverine trails--Ironwood, Michigan

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Ski ABR and Wolverine trails--Ironwood, Michigan

About this event

The trip to ABR will leave on Friday, Feb 16th with people car pooling when possible. We will ski the 17th and 18th on the ABR trails. The trip up takes about 4 hours and if you leave Friday in the morning you will be able to ski Friday afternoon. ABR offers a three day pass. On Monday before leaving a ski at the Wolverine ski area is possible.

Stay in Area VRBO’s. I will reserve as soon as I get a feel for the number of Participants (I think there were 18 last year)

Meals:  Meals are on your own, trip price will include lodging. The plan is to have evening meals together. The VRBO’s will have kitchens and there will be time for breakfast that could be enjoyed together if it is arranged by the housemates. Lunch can also be prepared and brought to the ski chalet. We will try to arrange dinners together at a local restaurant.

Costs:  The cost of the lodging for the three nights is estimated to be between $100-$250, depending on room sharing and number of participants.  Other costs:  Meals, gas, and three day Ski pass at ABR is $45. 

FFI:  Eric Larson: 651-802-3707   

Checks payable to Eric Larson, 4041 Highland Ave., White Bear Lake  55110

For trail info at ABR, look at the website:

Date and Time

Friday, February 16, 2024, 8:00 AM until Monday, February 19, 2024, 5:00 PM Central Time (US & Canada) (UTC-06:00)


ABR (Active Backwoods Retreat)
E5299 West Pioneer Road, Michigan
Ironwood, MI  49938

Event Contact(s)

Eric J Larson



Registration Info

Registration is required
Once the VRBO is rented there will be no refund for the lodging as it would affect what others are paying. If a replacement person is found there will be a full refund.