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About this event
Feb 13, Tues {A} February Club Meeting. Location: Danish American Center, 3030 West River Parkway S, Minneapolis, MN 55406 (just south of Lake Street). Social hour begins at 6:30 p.m. with the program starting at 7:00.
Speaker: Greg Breining: Wolf Island, Discovering the Secrets of A Mythic Animal
Greg Breining is a prolific writer of many, many books and articles about the outdoors, science, medicine and health and whatever else tweaks his interest. For this talk, he’ll focus on his recent Wolf Island book which is a collaboration with L. David Mech about the wolves of Isle Royal.
Last year’s Zoom link, assuming it hasn’t changed:
Dial-in option: (312) 626-6799
Meeting ID: 871 1711 0790, Passcode: 788927
General Meetings
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